company logo Adabs Solutions

Welcome to Adabs online services

Free apps for everyone

Enjoy unlimited access to our free apps for everyday life. You can sign in with your google id, as registered member or as guest.

Security check

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You have read and agreed to our terms and conditions of service


Build your website

Please fill the form below. All fields are mandatory

If you have a domain

Existing user

Sign in with your username


Did you forget your password? Enter your username above, then Click:

Recover password

To help you with your password, please answer these two questions:

You can now set your new password



New user registration

  1. Your email is for log in and technical support only
  2. User id: You can use your email as your user Id. Or create a unique user Id. The user Id must not have space, it's length min 6 max 25.
  3. Password: Length between 6 - 15. Password is case sensitive and must not contain space. Must contain at least: One uppercase, One lowercase, One number and One of these special characters !@#&-
  4. Once registered, you can sign in with either your user Id or email and same password you register. Note that this password is strictly for this app



In case you forget your password, we can help you recover it. Please provide below 3 questions we will ask you and their answers

  1. Secret questions and answers: Length between 2 - 25
  2. The two questions must not be the same


Sign out

Contact us:

Please fill the form below. All fields are mandatory

  1. Full names: Use A-Z a-z - Xter length min 4 max 25
  2. e-mail: Use A-Z a-z 0-9 @ .- Xter length min 6 max 50
  3. Message: Use A-Z a-z 0-9 ,;.()@#- Xter length min 6 max 450